Recovery-Oriented Environments in Acute Care Mental Health Settings
Contemporary mental health service provision has embraced the concept of recovery-oriented care. However, acute care mental health settings continue to follow the medical model. Psychiatric and mental health nurses were invited to participate in a research project to answer: What strategies and resources do psychiatric and mental health nurses identify as being most conducive to fostering a recovery-oriented acute care milieu or environment? A recovery-oriented milieu was described as a safe, peaceful, and holistic environment with adequate space to balance clients’ needs for privacy, interaction, and activity. This type of setting was described as being fostered through healthy relationships among team members, clients, family members, and formal supports. Psychiatric and mental health nurses have the knowledge, skill, and desire to promote recovery-oriented environments. Unfortunately, acute care settings have experienced decreased funding and supports required to fully achieve this description. Contemporary acute care mental health settings must revisit and re-implement the principles of a therapeutic milieu to promote recovery in these environments.