Dr. Rachel Herron is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Environment at Brandon University and a Canada Research Chair in Rural and Remote Mental Health. She is also the founding Director of the Centre for Critical Studies of Rural Mental Health where she works with other researchers, students and community partners to develop community-based solutions to rural mental health needs. Her current research examines the vulnerability and complexity of relationships of care, social inclusion and meaningful engagement for people living with mental health problems, and the diversity of lived experiences of rural mental health.
Candice Waddell is a Registered Psychiatric Nurse and an Assistant  Professor in the Department of Psychiatric Nursing at Brandon University and a founding member of the Centre for Critical Studies of Rural Mental Health. Her research interests include: improving mental health and social equity in marginalized populations; the influence off gender on mental health and wellness; culturally sensitive mental health practice; and the lived experiences of individuals with mental illness, mental health concerns and trauma histories.
Richard Whitfield has been a mental health advocate in Manitoba for many years.  His lived experience with mental illness has provided insight and understanding to numerous groups and individuals. Recently retired from a life-long career in both private industry and the Government of Manitoba, Richard is now focusing his energy on peer support and outreach to the community, as well as development of community resources. Richard is currently a Community Affiliate with the Centre for Critical Studies of Rural Mental Health